A circolare vision
of business
Board of Directors
Gabriele Gravina
He graduated in law and has held positions as President and CEO in companies in the economic and financial sector since 1978. Board Member of Cassa Risparmio de L'Aquila, then President of the Executive Committee of BCC Roma.
Dal 2018 è Presidente FIGC, confermato nel 2021 ed eletto nel Comitato Esecutivo UEFA. Intensa anche l’attività universitaria di Docente.
Giuseppe Ciardi
Vice President
He holds an Engineering degree and MBA from Columbia Business School, worked with ENI, Morgan Stanley, Lazard, Banque Nationale de Paris. He is founder of Comminvest UK and CEO of Park Place Capital and Solar Power Farms.
Board Member of Pinco 99 and Vice President of E Way Finance.
Alessandro Schiavone
Chief Executive Officer
Head of the IRI Group in Brussels and Rome for operations with EU funds in the environment, R&D and agriculture sectors, at Mediocredito Centrale he heads the Subsidized Finance and Project Finance Division for operations on local infrastructure and energy. CEO Europrogetti & Finanza (CDP and MCC) and Senior Advisor for BPM. Since 2015 he has headed the Advisory, Energy and Project Financing activities of the Banca del Fucino group.
Since 2021 he has been CEO of Fucino Green and Vice President of E-Way Finance.
Luigi Barone
Board Member
He has worked as a manager in Italian and international industrial and banking groups. He has held top management positions in the ENI group, the Montedison group and the Dutch bank ABN AMRO.
He is on the Board of Directors of Aeroporti di Roma. In his institutional activities, he held positions at the Ministry of State Holdings and at the MoFA.
Simone Ferrara
Board Member
Attorney-at-law, after a professional career in leading international law firms he founded his own firm dedicating part of his activity to the Renewables sector.
He handles the legal and corporate affairs of E-Way Finance and legal activities related to the acquisition and development of greenfield photovoltaic and wind power projects as well as co-development agreements. He is also a Board Member of E-Way Finance itself.
Massimo Migliosi
Board Member
Attorney-at-law, member of the Rome Bar Association, Partner of M&F Legal, he has held and still holds the position of Board Member in the Boards of Directors of companies operating in the Luxury, Fashion, Food, IT and Branded Entertainment sectors.
An expert in corporate matters, as legal advisor he has assisted numerous companies in reorganisation/restructuring and credit refinancing transactions.
Paolo Revelli
Board Member
Bachelor's degree in economics and MBA from the University of California, Berkeley. At Morgan Stanley he was MG of Private Wealth Mngt, and launched hedge funds. CEO of Green Power Reserves, he is a partner in Caledon Partners and in VOLT.
Investor and manager in Renewables & Storage, at Fucino Green he is responsible for Storage.
in Fucino Green
è responsabile dello Storage.
Our mission
our pride
Fucino Green S.r.l.
Head Office Via Tomacelli n.107
00186 Roma
Share Capital € 2.347.142,00
Tax Code, VAT No. and Company Register No. 16276851009
RM Economic and Administrative Index number - 1646162